Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Optimisation des Projets de Construction : Tirer Parti des Défis Topographiques

Optimisation des Projets de Construction : Tirer Parti des Défis Topographiques

Dans le domaine de la construction, il est essentiel d'exploiter judicieusement les caractéristiques naturelles du site, en particulier les dénivelés. 

Contrairement à la perception courante parmi les promoteurs et constructeurs, travailler sur des terrains escarpés peut offrir un potentiel immense pour la création de bâtiments captivants.

Plutôt que de considérer la construction sur des pentes comme une complication, il est avantageux de concevoir en harmonie avec le terrain. 

Cette approche non seulement simplifie le processus de construction, mais réduit également les coûts associés. Dans certains cas, cela peut même offrir une vue panoramique spectaculaire (voir A).

Orienter le plan du sol perpendiculairement à la direction de la pente offre la possibilité de créer des demi-niveaux et des espaces intérieurs avec une hauteur double (B). 

Une autre option est de placer le bâtiment sur pilotis (C) ou de l'ériger en porte-à-faux par rapport à la pente. 

Une approche alternative consiste à enterrer partiellement la construction, avec un accès prévu par le toit (D).

Une stratégie écologique consiste à réutiliser la terre extraite du chantier pour les fondations, en l'utilisant pour remblayer d'autres parties du terrain. En adoptant ces techniques innovantes, les professionnels du pente et terrassement peuvent transformer les défis topographiques en opportunités créatives, tout en optimisant l'efficacité du projet et en minimisant les coûts de construction.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

SketchUp for Interior Designers - Creating a Floor Plan

SkillShare – SketchUp for Interior Designers - Creating a Floor Plan
MP4 | AVC 1434kbps | English | 1280x720 | 30fps | 1h 14mins | AAC stereo 128kbps | 823 MB
Genre: Video Training

Interior designers looking for ways to convey their design to their clients are always looking for quick and easy ways to create clear floorplans. As an interior designer myself, SketchUp is my favorite method for creating. It’s free to get started, and can quickly and easily create plans, make changes and let your mind design and problem solve, instead tearing out your hair over how to work the program.

In this course I will teach you how to create floor plans, including furniture and dimensions on your drawing. We’ll build a floor plan from scratch together. At the end of this course, and with a little bit of practice you will be able to quickly draw floor plans so that you can get to designing for and presenting clearly to your clients.
I designed this course for beginners, so jump right in. Whether you are a new designer, or have been designing for 20 years, SketchUp is a powerful tool in your design toolbelt.
SkillShare – SketchUp for Interior Designers - Creating a Floor Plan

SkillShare – SketchUp for Interior Designers - Creating a Floor Plan

SkillShare – SketchUp for Interior Designers - Creating a Floor Plan

Construction Drawings and Details for Interiors: Basic Skills, 3rd Edition

Construction Drawings and Details for Interiors:
Basic Skills, 3rd Edition

by Rosemary Kilmer and W. Otie Kilmer
English | 2016 | ISBN: 1118944356 | 669 Pages | PDF(conv) | 59 MB

Construction Drawings and Details for Interiors has become a must-have guide for students of interior design. It covers the essentials of traditional and computer-aided drafting with a uniquely design-oriented perspective. No other text provides this kind of attention to detail. Inside, you'll find specialty drawings, a sensitivity to aesthetic concerns, and real-world guidance from leaders in the field of interior design. Updated content is presented here in a highly visual format, making it easy to learn the basics of drawing for each phase of the design process.

This new Third Edition includes access to a full suite of online resources. Students and designers studying for the National Council for Interior Design Qualification (NCIDQ) will especially appreciate these new materials. This revision also keeps pace with evolving construction standards and design conventions. Two new chapters, 'Concept Development and the Design Process' and 'Structural Systems for Buildings,' along with expanded coverage of building information modeling (BIM), address the latest design trends.

- Includes online access to all-new resources for students and instructors
- Provides real-world perspective using countless example drawings and photos
- Focuses on interior design-specific aspects of construction documentation
- Serves as a perfect reference for the contract documents section of the NCIDQ exam

Written by designers, for designers, Construction Drawings and Details for Interiors remains a standout choice for the fields of interior design, technical drawing, and construction documentation. From schematics through to working drawings, learn to communicate your vision every step of the way.

download here

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Architectural Drawing: A Visual Compendium of Types and Methods, 4th Edition

Architectural Drawing: A Visual Compendium of Types and Methods by Rendow Yee
2012 | ISBN: 1118012879 | English | 608 pages | EPUB | 203 MB

The classic architectural drawing compendium—now in a richly updated edition

Today's most comprehensive compendium of architectural drawing types and methods, both hand drawn and computer generated, Architectural Drawing: A Visual Compendium of Types and Methods remains a one-of-a-kind visual reference and an outstanding source of guidance and inspiration for students and professionals at every level.

Monday, February 22, 2016

تجميعية كتب التخطيط العمرانى

تجميعية كتب التخطيط العمرانى

التخطيط العمرانى,تخطيط المدن,نظريات تخطيط,تخطيط مراكز الاحياء والمجاورات السكنية,دليل المعايير التخطيطية للخدمات التخطيطية

كل حاجه تخص التخطيط 

التخطيط العمرانى.doc

تخطيط المدن دعاطف حمزة.pdf
كتاب المعمارى كبير حسن فتحى.pdf
نظريات تخطيط المدن المستقبليه.pdf
تخطيط حضري.doc
تخطيط الحضارة الاغريقية.doc
تخطيط مدينة الإسكندرية.doc
دليل تحديد النطاق العمراني.pdf
. التجربة الغربية في التوفيق بين التخطيط العمراني والحركة والنقل
تأثير التنمية الحضرية على المظهر العام في المدينة المنورة
نظم المعلومات الجعرفية كتاب عربى.pdf
نمودج لدراسة تخطيط قرية.ppt
المترو والفرصة الحقيقية للتنمية المستدامة

دليل تخطيط مراكز الاحياء والمجاورات السكنية
. دليل المعايير التخطيطية للخدمات التخطيطية
دليل اختيار مواقع استعمالات.pdf
تخطيط المدن الاسلامية من ناحية الفكر الاسلامى
تخطيط المدن والاقاليم من النظرية الى تطبيق
تخطيط دراسات الطرق والنقل والبينة الاساس...
تخطيط واهداف واستراجيات مدينة الخانكة.pd...
دراسة تحليلية لبعض العوامل المؤثرة فى أختيار المواقع السكنية
قانون التخطيط الحضرى

التخطيط الحضرى والاقليمى تخصص حان تطبية....
التخطيط للتقدم الأقتصادى والإجتماعى.pdf
التخطيط العمرانى المستديم.pdf
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